Mind Tricks For Distance Running

Over the years and miles of training runs and races, I’ve developed a few simple tricks that help me when my mind starts to negotiate with my body. You know those times where your body is saying no more and your mind starts agreeing even though you’ve still got miles to go. I’ve used the tricks […]

How I Sold My Video Game Collection

I have been on a minimalism kick lately after listening to a TED Radio Hour episode that contained a segment by Graham Hill on how much stuff we accumulate throughout our lives. This episode and this talk in particular inspired me to take notice of what stuff I had accumulated in my relatively short time […]

Hello World

2 words to begin it all. I guess a good place to start would be my programming journey. After all, where would I be without it? It all began when I found the most wonderful site on the internet: Neopets. For those of you not cool enough to know what Neopets is, it’s a magical place […]